When You First Sign In…

Important: Only those features that you have been granted access to will display. Parents and student users who require assistance should contact their school or district.

After successfully logging in with a verified email, you should expect to see any messages that you’ve recently received for any Contacts - student, staff, and/or guardian records - associated with your account email address. You can navigate through your district-enabled options by using the left navigation bar.  

Your account information and contacts will already be inputted into the system based on the information you’ve provided to your school or district.


On Mobile...

When your email address isn’t associated with school-enabled records…

If your email address doesn’t match with any records kept by the school, you’ll see the below screen after your log in:



Claim by Phone

If the SchoolMessenger app isn’t able to match your email to any contact data in their systems, your message inbox will appear empty. You’ll have the option to try to match a potential school record using your phone number.

1.      Click the “…search for contacts by phone” link at the bottom of the screen. A window pops up asking you to input your phone number.

2.      Enter your phone number your school district has on file.

3.      Select an option to receive a verification code.

4.      Click Send Code. A verification code will be sent to the number you entered.

5.      Input the verification code your received and click Verify.


If verification was successful, you’ll see the following screen:


If the system found additional contacts, they will be automatically added to your app under Contacts.

If the system didn’t find additional contacts, you can:

·         try another number by clicking the “Try another phone number?” link.

·         contact your school district to verify that you have the correct phone number and/or email address they have on file.

On Mobile...

1.      Tap the “Search for contacts by phone” link at the bottom of the screen.

2.      Enter your phone number your school district has on file. Tap NEXT.

3.      Select an option to receive a verification code.

4.      Tap SEND THE CODE. A verification code will be sent to the number you entered.

5.      Input the verification code your received and tap VERIFY.


If verification was successful, you’ll see the following screen:




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